There are many sides to Eve: ce0 of NFT Industries Worldwide, a programmer, an artist and more. The NFT artwork contained on this page is the an0nCrypt0Arti$t known as eVe. Thanks for looking:)
A faction of artists within NFT Industries Worldwide has recently formed. They've the sole intention of promoting Doge, Ethereum and Bitcoin (DEB). The DEB folks, whilst being passionate about the aforementioned three cryptos also passionately believes that NFTs sold by NFT Industries Worldwide - which are based on non-living objects are properly destroyed before the NFT is listed on any exchange.
Think of them as a group that believes that the object(s) pictured/videoed in any NFT sold by NFT Industries Worldwide should never be purchased in the physical world and thereby the NFT becomes the final record of a former physical object.
Charged with their mission of promoting Doge, Ethereum and Bitcoin (DEB) and ensuring that NFTs only exist digitally on the blockchain - they decided to name themselves The DEB Astral Ethereal Army. When they sign a piece of artwork, it means that the physical item(s) will be professionally destroyed. A DEB signature is akin to seeing a dying tree with a giant red X on it. You know what that X means and DEB is the same per se.
NFT Industries Worldwide artists, who meet the criteria to pair with the DEB Astral Ethereal Army (criteria to be published) will work with the DEB Astral Ethereal Army to ensure that their physical piece of art is professionally destroyed with an article of destruction/photographs to prove that the said physical object is no longer in the physical realm and hence only existing on the blockchain forever.
The DEB Astral Ethereal Army believes that removing physical objects from the physical realm and instantiating them on the blockchain allows for the object to achieve immortality. More to come from the DEB Astral Ethereal Army. They're working on a manifesto, a zine called the DEBzine and tagging artwork for destruction. Once the destruction has taken place, NFTs like the one above will be sold!!!!
more info to come re my first NFT:
eVe, 2021.
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